
"Honor your father and your mother that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we do not dishonor or anger our parents or others in authority, but honor, serve, and obey them, and give them love and respect."

In this Fourth Commandment, the Lord tells us to obey those in authority over us. As Christians we want to obey those in authority because our conscience tells us  to honor God's commandment (Romans 13:7). Since our School Board has authority over us and the school policies are set by the School Board, as Christians we want to honor everything that is written in the handbook. When we disobey the policies therein, we sin against God's Fourth Commandment, whether we disobey by wearing shorts when we are not supposed to, or by failing to pay tuition as defined, etc. When we disobey in this way, we also teach our children that it is acceptable to sin and to defy authority.

Let us instead ask God to forgive our sins against this and every commandment. Let us rejoice that Jesus is our Savior from all sins, and with a renewed heart, ask God to help us and our children to honor his commandments. Let us be examples to our children by honoring the school's policies and by teaching our children to do the same.

The members of St. Paul Lutheran Church recognize the good that comes from a Lutheran education, and subsidize the $5000 +/ pupil cost. The following tuition rates recognize the contributions of those families who are members at St. Paul, and who give their regular offerings in addition to tuition payments.   

2023-2024 Tuition Rates

St. Paul Lutheran Member Rates WELS / ELS Member Rates Non-Member Rates

(Congregation supports 80% of costs)                 (Congregation supports 70% of costs) ( Congregation supports 50% of costs)

Grades 1-8: $1179 Grades 1-8: $1783 Grades 1-8: $2950

5K:  $943 5K:  $1426 5K:  $2360

4K : $707 4K: $1064 4K : $1783

3K: $80 / month 3K: $80 / month 3K: $80 / month

Tuition amounts can be paid in full prior to the start of the school year, or payment plans can be established.  An initial payment plan will be made with a school representative at your registration day appointmentPlease communicate with us if hardships occur, or if family situations change at any time throughout the school year.